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In this repository will be explained how to implement and load files from a Zip using PhysFS

Assets Management with PhysFS

Many times game developers find that when they make a build of a game it is too heavy due to assets folders and files. One way to solve this problem is to compress all this data in a compressed archive, like .zip, and loading all the files from that using a library called PhysFS. And this is what we are going to see below adding some SDL features like SDL_RWops.


Our main goal is to have our release folder with only the .dll needed, the .exe and a .zip file where all the assets we will use for our game are inside. In this way, we will reduce the weight of our game.


First of all, we need to know what PhysFS is. According to definition: “PhysFS is a library to provide abstract access to various archives”. It is a portable, flexible input/output file abstraction. It brings different benefits:

This library is supported by the following archives:

PhysFS functions

Let’s start by introducing a sort of functions in order to set up the library:


According to SDL Wiki, SDL_RWops is an abstraction over input/output. It provides interfaces to read, write and seek data in a stream, without the caller needing to know where the data is coming from.

SDL_RWops functions

The function that will be used are the following ones:

Code Structure

Assets ZIP

In order to start to understand the code, we have to take a look to the folder where all data files are provided, called Here, we will find 3 folders called audio, data and sprites respectively.


<texture file = "sprites/Entity.png"/>

<fx file="audio/sfx/fx_sound.wav"/>


First of all, we can see the different methods of the class called j1AssetManager.

class j1AssetManager : public j1Module


	// Destructor
	virtual ~j1AssetManager();

	// Called before render is available
	bool Awake(pugi::xml_node&);

	uint LoadData(const char* file, char** buffer) const;

	bool CreatePath(const char* newDir, const char* mount_point = nullptr);

	bool Exists(const char* file) const;

	SDL_RWops* Load(const char* file) const;


To begin with, let’s see the constructor and destructor. Their main role here is to initialize and close the PhysFS library respectively.


virtual ~j1AssetManager();

Next, we have Awake(pugi::xml_node&). As well as it is called before render is available, we will call the funtion that lets us to add a search path from where we will find all the data.

bool Awake(pugi::xml_node&);

Then, we have LoadData(const char* file, char** buffer) const. This function is one of the most important due to lets us to read the file and and allocate the needed bytes to a buffer. This function returns the size of the lenght read that we will use later to load the files from the xml.

uint LoadData(const char* file, char** buffer) const;

Now, we see the function CreatePath(const char* newDir, const char* mount_point = nullptr), where basically we use the function PhysFS_mount() in order to mount an archive file into the virtual filesystem created by init. We call it in the constructor.

bool j1AssetManager::CreatePath(const char* newDir, const char* mount_point)
	bool ret = true;
	PHYSFS_mount(newDir, mount_point, 1); //Here we mount an archive file into the virtual filesystem created by init

	if (PHYSFS_mount(newDir, mount_point, 1) == 0)
		LOG("Error: %s\n", PHYSFS_getLastError());
		ret = false;

	return ret;

We also have the function Exists(const char* file) const, which only returns true if the file exists.

bool j1AssetManager::Exists(const char* file) const
	return PHYSFS_exists(file);

Finally, we have Load(const char* file) const, which lets us to load images/fx/music from a memory buffer with SDL. This method with be called in IMG_Load_RW(), Mix_LoadWAV_RW() and Mix_LoadMUS_RW().

SDL_RWops* Load(const char* file) const;

TODOs and Solutions

TODO 1: Initialize and close the PhysFS library

What you have to do is to use the methods mentioned before to initialize and close the library in their respective place


j1AssetManager::j1AssetManager() : j1Module()
	name = ("asset_manager");


	//This works as a default path

// Destructor

TODO 2: add an archive to the search path

Here, you have to call another function in order to search the path where the data is


bool j1AssetManager::Awake(pugi::xml_node& config)
	LOG("Loading Asset Manager");
	PHYSFS_addToSearchPath("", 1);

	return true;

TODO 3: open and read the file we want to

TODO 4: read data from a PhysFS filehandle

Solution TODO 3 and 4

uint j1AssetManager::LoadData(const char* file, char** buffer) const
	uint ret = 0;

	PHYSFS_file* data_file = PHYSFS_openRead(file); 

	if (data_file != nullptr)
		int file_lenght = PHYSFS_fileLength(data_file); 
		*buffer = new char[(uint)file_lenght];
		uint readed = PHYSFS_read(data_file, *buffer, 1, (uint)file_lenght); 
		if (readed != file_lenght)
			LOG("Error while reading from file %s: %s\n", file, PHYSFS_getLastError());
			ret = readed;

		LOG("Error while opening file %s: %s\n", file, PHYSFS_getLastError());

	return ret;

TODO 5: replace the functions into the new ones


music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(App->asset_manager->Load(path), 1);
Mix_Chunk* chunk = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(App->asset_manager->Load(path), 1);
SDL_Surface* surface = IMG_Load_RW(App->asset_manager->Load(path), 1);

TODO 6: uncomment he methods


If everything went well, you should see the following image and play a fx when you press F.


This research has been bone by Enric Pérez Rifà.

Github: PerezEnric Email: